Mobile app development for educational institutions
July 29, 2021
A vast majority of young adults own a mobile device, which opens up a world of possibilities for educational institutions looking to improve performance metrics across the board. With a mobile app, a college, university or high school can eliminate much of the paperwork required for certain internal processes, keep students engaged, and streamline timetable assessments and fee payments.
A mobile app can be developed to meet almost any objective, whether it relates to staff processes and internal operations, or to student activity. Let’s take a look at some of the advantages of developing a mobile app for an educational institution.
1. Admission
The admission process is often labor-intensive, tedious, and very inefficient when done manually. An app can be designed to include custom electronic forms and letters. It can also contain a digital storage system that allows the institution to store all relevant documents, images and videos in one centralized, easily-accessible location. SMS and email alerts can be added at every important stage of the admission process, in order to notify prospective students and their parents. On top of that, fees can be processed through the app, thus avoiding long, inconvenient queues that are often a part of the admission process.
2. Streamlined learning process
By simply digitalizing many aspects of the learning process, a university can make the lives of their students that much easier. Everything from calculating credits, to using GPS to track and plan a lesson schedule can be a part of the app. On top of that, gamification can be used to improve attendance and student engagement rates.
3. Grading and assessment
Apps can be developed with features that help with grading, assignments and student assessment. When done manually, pen and paper in hand, the assessment process can be time-consuming. However, with a mobile app, faculty will be able to upload assessments digitally, create quizzes easily, set deadlines, and set grading criteria. On top of that, a feedback system can be implemented, which allows students to provide feedback on the courses themselves, creating a self-reinforcing positive loop, where courses can be improved in real time based on direct feedback.
4. Improved parent-teacher relationships
Parents can be given the option to create accounts with the institution and participate in forums, parent-teacher chats, leave or receive feedback, and receive updates on payments, curriculum and other important information. Students can also participate in the forums, where they interact among themselves and leave feedback and suggestions regarding scheduling, classes and courses for the staff.
5. Other miscellaneous functions
There are many other functions that can be improved with a mobile app. The payment system, ebook distribution, attendance management, lesson planning, faculty scheduling, and many other features can be included in the final product, in order to create a comprehensive app that improves the educational experience for faculty, students and parents.